
Note: There are some private github repo link that I’ll update after the work is completed.

Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in Uncertainity Prone Environments
1. Developed a ROS wrapper for HoloOcean Simulator.( a latest underwater simulator for which no earlier ros1 wrapper was availabl) 2.Working in Depth Estimation and Encoding which will be useful for Navigation Task.s
  • keywords: AUV, ROS, HoloOcean, VAEs, Sceneflow, Disparity,etc.
International Ground Vehicle Competition
IIT Indore under guidance of Devendra Deshmukh in a team of ~25 students Github
  • keywords:AGV, 2d-lidar(rplidar), RGB Camera, GPS, PathPlanner, MPC, Nvidia-Jetson Xavier,ROS1


SLAM using Ouster 3D Lidar & KISS-ICP in our IIT Indore Campus
  • keywords: Ouster 3D Lidar, KISS-ICP, SLAM, ROS2
Python Api for Drona Aviation Pluto Drone
  • keywords: OpenCV, Python , API developement , RealDrone, Hardware, PID, Trajectory Tracking
Gesture Contorlled Car (Vision Based)
  • keywords: TensorFLow, MediaPipe, ESP32, Fast(30fps)
Data Augmentation for Soyabean Leaf Disease Classification
  • keywords: Pytorch , Data Augmentation , GANs
Lane Following and Obstacle Avoiding Car
  • keywords: OpenCV, LaneFollowing, EdgeComputing
Flutter Based App for Student-Professor Interaction & Automated Email Sorting
  • keywords: Flutter, Firebase , Dart
Parallel FFT for Polynomial Multiplicationn
  • keywords: OpenMP, C++, Fast Fourier Transform